How Do I Pass the NIOS Class 12th Maths Exam

How do I pass the NIOS class 12th maths exam

How Do I Pass the NIOS Class 12th Maths Exam

The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) offers educational opportunities for all the students up to their 12th standard through the open and distance learning mode.   

Out of all the subjects, maths is the most important subject for many streams in the “NIOS class 12 board exams”. This subject needs a lot of practice rather than reading the topics. Hence, understanding the basic concepts is important for students preparing for NIOS class 12 board exams. The major topics of NIOS class 12 mathematics are Complex numbers and quadratic equations, Calculus, Determinants, and Matrices, and more.  

While preparing for your NIOS maths examination, you need to focus mainly on the mathematics formulas. So while preparing for your “NIOS 12th board maths exam”, you need to jot down all the formulas chapter-wise and revise them regularly. Here in this article, we have mentioned a few preparation tips for the NIOS maths exam.

10th, 12th फेल विद्यार्थी निराश ना हो, अपना साल बचाए।

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NIOS 12th Mathematics Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme  

The NIOS Class 12 mathematics syllabus is divided into eight modules and four optional modules, out of which you need to choose one module.   

The NIOS 12th maths exam duration is 3 hours, and the marks allocated for the NIOS maths paper are 100 marks.  



Core Modules


Introduction to business


Business as a career


Trade and service activities 


Management of business 


Financing of business




Optional Modules


Office procedures and practices 


Introduction to Factory Set-up


Practical Banking


Agency Services




Tips for Preparation for NIOS Class 12 Maths Board Exams  

Keeping the NIOS mathematics topic-wise weightage in mind, we have come up with maths examination preparation tips that will help you spend enough time covering the 12th class maths syllabus and spend sufficient time for the revision. Here in this section, we have mentioned a few preparation tips for mathematics class 12 exam.  

Tip 1- Understand the maths examination syllabus in detail  

The first step to prepare for your NIOS 12th board exam is to understand and follow the maths syllabus. Go through your NIOS mathematics syllabus in detail, make notes, and understand each topic’s NIOS 12th mathematics weightage and start preparing for the same.  

Tip 2 – Analyse your strengths and weaknesses  

You need to identify your strengths and weaknesses and make a list of the same. Once you have analysed your weaknesses, work on them effectively to convert these weaknesses into strengths before your exams to ace them.   

Tip 3 – Create a time table and follow it  

When preparing for your NIOS class 12 examination, you need to allocate equal time for all the subjects. Therefore, it is important to create a timetable, stick to it and cover all the NIOS maths topics within the allocated time. Allot time for each subject within the hours and dedicate more time to the weaker subjects. Do not forget to take breaks in between and relax.  

Tip 4 – Re-Read. Re-write. Revise. Repeat-   

To prepare for a subject like mathematics, you need to practice the mathematics class 12 problems every day. The more you practice, the more familiar you will become with the concepts and complete the problems correctly within the specified time. Also, NIOS class 12 maths syllabus has many important formulas and theorems in maths, so it is important to revise them regularly.  

Tip 5 – Solve previous year question papers and practice papers   

To get more familiar with the NIOS maths class 12 questions, you need to regularly solve the 12th class mathematics previous year’s question papers. It will help you understand the question pattern and analyse the repeated question. So after completing the syllabus, do not forget to practice the NIOS class 12th previous year papers. It also helps in time management.   

You also need to stay away from all the stress and distractions in your environment. Additionally, make sure you eat healthily and get sufficient sleep during your examination time.

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