How to Pass 12 after Failing in CBSE Exam

How to Pass 12 after Failing in CBSE Exam

How to Pass 12 After failing in CBSE Exam

Everybody has been amazingly strained about getting their Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) board results this year. This is the case essentially every year, but because of the pandemic, the outcomes are turning into a nightmare for quite a lot of students.

Every year almost 11 lakhs candidates sit in the class 12 examination organised by the CBSE board. None of them wants to fail in the examination but due to misfortune some of them do not manage to pass this examination. Only for those students NIOS fail student admission facility is there.

Just like the 10th standard, passing the 12th standard is an achievement in each student’s life which the individual in question passes for a superior result ahead. Even though it is an achievement, it doesn’t mean failing in the examination will lead you to a dead end.

The greatest concern the 12th standard students have is that they consider the possibility that they might fail in the 12th board exam 2022. And this fear continues to haunt them when they applied for the NIOS examination and a student usually see the future as ‘I failed in NIOS exam’.

However, what students don’t understand is that this isn’t the worst thing to happen to them! There are a ton of things more significant than breezing through the twelfth standard board test, also, there are a lot of alternatives for twelfth failed students which will help them push ahead throughout everyday life and NIOS on demand exam date 2022 12th is the best among all the options available for a candidate.  

If a student fails, there is a high possibility that their spirit will be low and they may begin questioning their abilities. Instead of doubting their skills and abilities they should consider NIOS for 12th failed students 2022. NIOS fixes examination date according to the student preference.

Everybody deserves another opportunity and so do these students with unsuccessful attempts. The NIOS on demand exam 2022 facility is available for all the subjects offered by CBSE and after taking NIOS online admission  a candidate can also select the medium of language in which the candidate wants to answer the paper.

First and foremost, you need not panic about the whole situation just take proper consultation and stay away from rumours. To enrol yourself in the NIOS admission 2022-23 in the class 12, a candidate needs to submit both his or her class 10 and class 12 results along with class 10 passing certificate. Other than that a candidate also needs to submit scanned copies of Photo ID and passport size photographs.

10th, 12th फेल विद्यार्थी निराश ना हो, अपना साल बचाए।

NIOS / BBOSE के फार्म भरे जा रहे है - 10th, 12th इसी वर्ष अच्छे अंको से पास करे

Facilities Offered by NIOS

As mentioned earlier failing in the class 12th CBSE board examination doesn’t mean that it is the end of a candidate’s future path. A candidate can avail the multiple facilities offered by NIOS after taking admission in NIOS. The NIOS admission status can be checked with the unique registration ID and password generated at the time of signing up.

  • Candidate can choose exam date with the facility of NIOS On Demand Exam Date 2022 12th.
  • A student can sit in all the subjects related to the course he or she is studying in class 12 or the candidate can choose to sit in specific examinations in which he or she failed.
  • A candidate can choose the question paper medium and also the answer paper writing medium.
  • Both theoretical and practical exam giving facility is offered by NIOS.
  • Admission can be taken in both online and offline mode.

Examination Procedure at NIOS

The candidate needs to pay a certain amount of money for each and every subject. Before the examination date NIOS admit card 2022 will be available in the website. A student can download the admit card from the official website of NIOS with the help of email ID and password. Due to some problem if the candidate is unable to sit in the examination on the exam day, he or she needs to inform that to NIOS. In that case he or she can take the NIOS on demand exam postponed facility to choose another date after that day.

NIOS Admission 2022-23 Helping All the Unsuccessful Candidates at Open Study Centre

Do not think about taking a gap year. Instead of that enrol  yourself in the NIOS examination with the help of us, Open Study Centre. Give the CBSE class 12 examination again in a short period of time after failing in it. You can also take your time an decide to give it later if you feel that you are not prepared. Just work hard and make this second chance count with the guidance of or contact us at +91-9931193721.

फॉर्म भरे जा रहे है

NIOS या कोई अन्य बोर्ड एग्जाम में फेल हुए छात्रों के लिए पास होने का सुनहरा अवसर

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NIOS Admission 2022

BBOSE Admission 2022

Failed Students क्या करें ?

किसी भी मान्यता प्राप्त बोर्ड जैसे (BSEB, CBSE, NIOS) के फेल विद्यार्थी अपने दो विषयो का अंक BBOSE या NIOS बोर्ड में ट्रांसफर (T.O.C) कर कोई भी 3 विषयो का एग्जाम देकर विषयो का एग्जाम देकर 2 महीने में पास करने का मौका प्राप्त कर सकते है।
BBOSE Admission Failed Students